Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them.
Love is what I need, looking for someone to feed;
Opened my eyes to see myself in tears, I stayed numb with an emotional fear;
All alone in this crowded world, blinking at the future which is curled;
Limping at my destiny, searching hands for support in this mutiny.
I feel I am betrayed for no cause, I am gifted with sorrows without pause;
Form of a silence rack, riddles on creators to crack;
They left me alone in this bliss, without even a good bye kiss;
Questions on happiness galore, none to lend their lovely floor;
I am lost with an Orphan label; hopes lighten up on humanitarian bible.
Request for help to guide the path, lost creature’s echo spread apart.
No Playing -- Neera bittu nelada mele doni sagadhu... :)
dis one s just awsmmmmmm.... loved it