Monday, March 29, 2010

I Fear...

I fear,
Walking alone;
Darkness wrapping the sight,
My shadow vanish with light.
Twilight Twilight murmurs my heart in polite.

I fear,
To fulminate;
Desire to express, timidity which repress,
I go numb at the starring cluster,
Ill at ease, myself seized.

I fear I fear I always fear.....

Is what I try to slay;
Avoid innate emotions taking way.
Brooding about the worst and solutions I trust;
Amplifying the senses to perceive the threat.

Now Playing -- Hum bi hai josh mai.. baathe karr hosh mai .. :D

1 comment:

  1. I fear
    of this busy life who deon't give enough time to speak to our loved ones

    I fear
    of this stressful Job to which I give more but get Less

    I fear
    of people whom u trust but they stab U at the back

    I fear
    To live as life is worst than death which comes everyday

    I fear
    of this Environment where there is no Greenary

    I fear
    of corruption in which our Country is sinked

    I fear too....

    Khalida Huda
