Well this is the most odd topic I am gonna share today. I request all to read this and give a valid feedback because this is the one topic which can blaze fire and also the chilling ice feel. Here it goes....
Religion and spirituality are often used as synonyms. While religion is more to do with rituals, spirituality is that which has to do with one’s Self or, the spirit. Anything done for its growth and advancement is spirituality. They are not opposed, but stem from one another. While religion is more organised and includes public rituals, spirituality is more private and personal.
In India, spirituality and religion are part of everyday life. In no other country, perhaps, will you see a sadhu walking on the street with just a blanket and his rosary as his possessions without attracting any attention. India is home to all the major religions of the world, thriving in harmony since centuries. Although we will discuss the predominant religions in the country, we begin with Hinduism since it is the dominant religion in the subcontinent. Hindu’s comprise 80% of the population in India.
Lets not get into details what the religion speak about becoz I really don't care.. I am concentrating on the ethics and morals which one follow (good).
-> A one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both immanent and transcendent, both Creator and Unmanifest Reality.
-> Karma, the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds. Karma is not fate, for man acts with free will, creating his own destiny. God does not punish, you reap what you sow. The time for the reaction takes several births and until all the debts are paid, we keep meeting those who owe us and to those we owe, whether good or bad. However, prayer and purity of heart brings Divine Grace. Man is not born a sinner. He is a spark of the divine who, based on his personal choices, creates his own destiny. Divine grace is equal for all. One only needs to have a pure heart.
-> Soul reincarnation, where the atma or soul evolves through many births until all karmas have been resolved, and moksha or liberation from the cycle of rebirth, is attained. Not a single soul will be deprived of this destiny.
-> Existence of divine beings in unseen worlds and that temple worship, rituals, sacraments and personal devotionals create a communion with these “Devas” or Gods.
A monotheistic religion centred on Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Christianity has about 2 billion followers in the world today. Today, it has several divisions based on the diversity of doctrines and practices. However, Roman Catholics are the predominant sect. There are Protestants that include Anglicans, Methodists, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Anabaptists, etc..
The Christian believes that salvation is possible through faith in Jesus since his sacrifice on the cross paid for the sins of mankind. Most Christians believe in the existence of the distinct yet indivisible trinity of the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. It is believed that the Holy Spirit inspired the Scriptures.
Christians regard the Bible as the final authority.
Lets get into the Ten Commandments as interpreted by Christ::
"Do not put anything ahead of God your Creator."
"Do not make or worship idols."
"Do not take the name of God in vain."
"Take one day of complete rest each week, in honor of God."
"Honor your father and your mother."
"Do not commit murder."
"Do not commit adultery."
"Do not steal."
"Do not tell lies against anyone."
"Do not covet other people's possessions."
Islam literally means peace.
Muslims believe that God revealed his direct word for humanity to Muhammad (c. 570– July 6, 632) through the angel, Gabriel and earlier messengers, including Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the last prophet. They assert that the main written record of revelation to humanity is the Koran or Quran, which is flawless, immutable. It is considered by the Muslims as the final revelation of God to humanity.
Islam believes in one God who is absolute. Islamic laws that were covered expressly in the Quran were referred to as hudud laws and include specifically the five crimes of theft, highway robbery, intoxication, adultery and falsely accusing another of adultery, each of which has a prescribed hadd or punishment that cannot be forgone or mitigated.
Peepzz I know these are some facts which I collected from various places to give a accurate brief but I really think twice when it comes to caste, where people follow different paths to reach the ultimate LIGHT calls GOD and still we differentiate among us just for the sake we are on different paths and no one realized that we all meet at the same point called ALMIGHTY. The whole world is divided with different castes rather being spiritually binded with same points. No path says you have to destroy the other to reach ultimate point, its just a perception of humans to separate from each other and missing a whole bunch of fruits called "LOVE among HUMANITY"
I still believe and hope there will be a generation in future which will give a damn to such practice and move ahead in formation of a rich planet filled with LOVE and only LOVE among livings.
Now playing -- LOST HIGHWAY (Bon Jovi)
Well said Badri : " The whole world is divided with different castes rather being spiritually binded with same points".
ReplyDeleteThe whole point of religion concept is for guiding a person to make right decisions in life, separate wrong from the right, follow the path towards god. Everything is fine till here , every religion has its own rituals people do the same thing in different ways as per their religion . Muslims pray to Allah facing towards west to respect the Holy shrine, Hindus pray to their Bhagwans with their palms touching each other along with a tilak on their forehead , Christians pray in church crossing their fingers with their palms touching. All of this is fine, all aim towards Redemption. But Religion goes wrong in saying "this is the only correct religion and practicing any other religion is wrong”. It’s similar to a ruling party saying I am the righteous leader for the country and others will not make your country a better place!!! Who the hell cares who the country leader is as long as he does his job properly. It doesn’t matter if its Congress or BJP as long as the country prosper. Today it might be congress tomorrow it might be BJP or some other, as long as the main goal is achieved no one cares( here in this case making a better country) . Main goal of religion is making a better person. It doesn’t matter which religion you practice it’s all the same path to redemption. It’s not the label which is important its being the man who can do what is right is important. “I am a Muslim “, “I am a Hindu”,” I am a Christian “SO WHAT!!!
Everybody in this world has one common thing call LIFE. It’s the same for everyone, no has the power to bestow life in a non living thing and make it living whether you’re a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian. When religion can’t even alter such a thing called life which God has given to us do you think God will be even fazed by something so unimportant as multiple religions.
If people can see this and work towards developing their spirituality then the world would be a much better place.
Since i dont have an account as this the first time just to let you know, I am Fareed Badri's Enemy , if you want to know about me more then first hate him and then think about me you'll get who i am.
hmmm good ones. But I am not sure of complying with you, when you use the words "spiritualism" and "religion" synonymously. It is true that rituals differ amongst the religions but the same is not necessarily true with spiritualism. It is indeed a rule ( albeit to different extents ) in almost every religion, for a spiritual human being to lead a life of asceticism. To what extent it is being practiced by the so called god-men, is a different story altogether, but the religions to mandate them to do so.
ReplyDeleteIndian Histroy is there for past 10000yrs Hinduism is there for past 10000yrs nowhere in history we find Hindustan(India)Attack any region or religion.But who all have Attacked india have long gone in thin air with no traces ... recent example being British Empire .
ReplyDeleteSame would be the faith of Pseudo-secular ppl of country. Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha