Sunday, March 21, 2010

Life and its million steps

Life and its million steps;
Down the lane are living bets.
Courage to walk along;
To make the best for us to belong.

We run hard to reach the goal;
Torturing our tender soul.
We tend to be selfish for gains;
Bringing down the sorrow of rains.

Rush of thoughts flow every time you knock
Opportunities waiting behind the clock;
Door opens to see another door closed;
That is our brain greed enclosed.

We take ourselves to the height;
With fresh sign of error in light.
Free in fly, colorful to the eye;
With all the lively hopes that lie.

Life and its million steps;
Sorrows and happiness together crept.
Break through the transparent glass;
To make the class of journey, a real class.

Now playing -- Remember me, Eminem

1 comment:

  1. he he he from where did u copy this badri ...he he eh just kidding ...nice poem badri :)...hope to see more good poems...:)
